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The Fertile Group Clinic Treatments

Carrier Genetic Test (CGT)

The CGT is a genetic family planning test that allows you to evaluate the risk of having a child with a genetic disease. The test will determine if the parents are carriers or less of one or more genetic mutations.

The CGT is a genetic family planning test that allows you to evaluate the risk of having a child with a genetic disease.

What is a Carrier Genetic Test?

The Carrier Genetic Test (CGT or Genetic Carrier Screening) is a test that analyzes the genes of the couple to detect possible alterations or mutations in them. Once the results of both members of the couple are obtained, our specialists cross their information thanks to a powerful and secure computer system, which allows us to see the coincidences and, therefore, also the incompatibilities at chromosomal level.

Why ask for a Genetic Compatibility Test?

Genetic diseases cannot be cured, but we can prevent them.

This analysis allows our patients to identify genetic diseases

This analysis allows our patients to identify genetic diseases of poor prognosis in children, such as cystic fibrosis, fragile X syndrome or spinal muscular atrophy, among others.

Any person could, without even be aware of it, be the carrier of one or more mutations.

The carriers are usually healthy people

The carriers are usually healthy people, but when both parents are carriers of the same genetic mutation, their union could lead to a child affected by that specific disease.

Who should do the CGT?

Although we all have alterations in our genes, with CGT, the carrier genetic compatibility test, future parents will be able to know if they could cause an eventual disease to their children or not.

The Fertile Group recommends this test in this following cases:

Antes de intentar por medios naturales un embarazo

Antes de intentar por medios naturales un embarazo: Cualquier pareja que quiera quedarse embarazada podrá conocer el riesgo de poder transmitir posibles enfermedades a su hijo.

Antes de un tratamiento de reproducción asistida

Antes de un tratamiento de reproducción asistida: Es aconsejable para ser conscientes del riesgo de transmisión y poder así determinar el mejor tipo de tratamiento para la pareja.

Antes de un tratamiento con óvulos o semen donados

Antes de un tratamiento con óvulos o semen donados: Para poder seleccionar un donante no portador de la misma mutación que el miembro de la pareja receptora.

Tiene una sensibilidad próxima al 100% para la detección del síndrome de Down y ningún riesgo para la madre ni para el bebé.

Es una prueba prenatal no invasiva que permite la detección de las anomalías cromosómicas más frecuentes, fundamentalmente el síndrome de Down, a partir de la semana 10 de embarazo.

The Carrier Genetic Test (CGT or Genetic Carrier Screening) is a test that analyzes the genes of the couple to detect possible alterations or mutations in them.

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