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The Fertile Group Clinic Treatments

IVF with Egg Donation

IVF with an egg donor is one of the most effective assisted reproduction treatments because it gives women the opportunity to become mothers even if they couldn’t have children with their own eggs.

IVF with an egg donor is an assisted reproduction treatment which gives women the opportunity to become mothers even if they couldn’t have children with their own eggs.

What is egg donation?

IVF with an egg donor is one of the most effective assisted reproduction treatments because it gives women the opportunity to become mothers even if they couldn’t have children with their own eggs.

These eggs are fertilized in vitro (IVF) with sperm from recipient’s partner or from a semen donor. The obtained embryos are transferred into the uterus of the recipient in order to achieve the pregnancy.

The eggs reception is a totally anonymous act that makes possible the miracle of life in women who otherwise could not have children.

The origin of donated eggs can be:

  • Eggs from a donor undergoing ovarian stimulation synchronized with the endometrial preparation of our recipient patient.
  • Frozen eggs of donors from our egg bank.

Egg Donation. In what cases is it indicated?

After several attempts with own eggs without success or in women beyond the optimum fertile age.

Previous failure of reproductive medicine techniques due to low response to ovarian stimulation.

Repeated miscarriages.

Early ovarian failure, due to menopause or ovarian surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Chromosomal or genetic alterations in women or embryos.

Egg Donation: step by step

Egg donation is an In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Egg donation is an In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) in which an egg donated by another woman is used instead of our patient's own egg.

The recipient patient must perform a previous treatment

Even so, the recipient patient must perform a previous treatment to prepare the endometrium to the embryo transfer. In case we carry out a treatment in which donated eggs are fertilized on the same day of their extraction (fresh donation), we will prepare the donor and the recipient with a parallel and synchronized methodology.

Treatment performed with oocytes from our egg bank

On the other hand, in case the treatment is performed with oocytes from our egg bank, The Fertile Group specialists will select the most matching donor for the patient, that will be the one to decide when she would be ready to start the process.

Who are our donors?

At The Fertile Group we are aware of the great responsibility that comes with the trust put in our team of specialist. For this reason, we make a strict selection of our egg donors, in order to guarantee to our patients the highest quality and best results.

After going through a strict comprehensive analysis of psychological study, gynecological, genetic, immunological medical tests, and after giving negative results to the main diseases that could be transmitted, the candidate is accepted into The Fertile Group egg donor program.

A genetic compatibility test (CGT) could be performed to our donors analyzing almost 600 most common genetic diseases with high health implications, offering the couple the additional possibility to match it with the future father in order to avoid the risk of a possible genetic disease transmission to the baby.

Although it is a totally anonymous process. The donor and recipient’s identity will not be revealed at any time, our medical team will select the donor with the best phenotypic and immunological similarity to the couple.

Preliminary analysis

After going through a strict comprehensive analysis of psychological study, gynecological, genetic, immunological medical tests, and after giving negative results to the main diseases that could be transmitted.

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The cost of this treatment, depending on specific clinical conditions of each patient, usually ranges from $7000 to $9000, with ovulation stimulation medicines included.

The Fertile Group also offers financing facilities for your treatment.

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